Warlock Macros: Pet
This macro will summon a felhunter or imp when used in conjunction with the shift key, or succubus when used in conjunction with the control key, or voidwalker when used in conjunction with the alt key.
/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Imp (Summon); [modifier:ctrl] Summon Succubus (Summon); [modifier:alt] Summon Voidwalker (Summon); Summon Felhunter (Summon)
This macro will cast Fel Domination then summon a felhunter or imp when used in conjunction with the shift key, or succubus when used in conjunction with the control key, or voidwalker when used in conjunction with the alt key.
/cast Fel Domination /cast [modifier:shift] Summon Imp (Summon); [modifier:ctrl] Summon Succubus (Summon); [modifier:alt] Summon Voidwalker (Summon); Summon Felhunter s(Summon)
This macro will command your pet to attack shaman totems.
/petattack /petattack [target=Fire Resistance Totem] /petattack [target=Windfury Totem] /petattack [target=Earthbind Totem] /petattack [target=Tremor Totem] /petattack [target=Grounding Totem]